Monday, February 4, 2008

A World Of Peace

This might become a regular post if Tyler can keep coming up with these great poems. This one is titled A World of Peace by Tyler Herman.

A World Of Peace

A world of peace comes when we each shed the light,
fueled by love as a weapon, no longer a need to fight

The bombs can stop dropping, but for that unity must exist,
without global unity, war and strife wont fail to persist.

Its fueled by greed, with competition, hatred and fear,
drop the mass consumerism and there's enough resources for everyone here.

When did the value of one life become more important then another?
testing new pharmaceuticals on africans when we all share the same eternal mother?

Our priorities are out of line, instead of making change, we're digging our graves,
A Modern world, with laws shaping equality, yet there still exists slaves?

Polluting mother nature, reaping her of her bountiful grace,
even with us as the protestors, our own foolish actions are the authorities mase.

We're blinded, not by the truthful light, but by the veil that covers our eyes,
the false fabrication of life in this system, it only contributes to our demise.

What's needed now is for us all to open our eyes and see the guiding light,
To always be consciously aware and make the truthful choice in what's wrong and right.

To view our own lives and choices from an outsiders lens,
to share peace, spread love, give generously, and make amends.

if you don't believe in religion or God, know that the true religion of God is love,
With love as the true compass of your life, all your trials and tribulations can be risen above.

let that love foster, reach unimaginable heights and spread it in humble ways,
Let it bright light to any darkness, bring beauty to all of your days.

Now sit back and think about peace, and ask yourself how you can contribute to the path,
Peace is inevitable, add a bunch of positives to a negative;you do the math.

So go now, shed the light, and spread the peaceful way,
peace is coming in the future, but we must start building peace today.

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