Here is another great post by Brad Williamson over at Small Business Branding. Check it out here.
Passion’s Purpose
Listen to the Soul, let it guide you towards the highest vision you have for yourself, and live a Life you can Love. You know who you are and who you want to be, so let your spirit be shown through the progress of your purpose. This energy that drives your dream’s desires, to turn being-ness into experience, is called passion.
The Soul presents you with its purpose through feelings of passion. It is an energy that drives you to push aside that which does not reflect your being, in favor of pursuits that mirror your inner-motivations. The experience of passion is so profound that you Lovingly cry years of dedication into crafts that represent who you are; and when your creations consume you, know that the Soul is living its dream.
The pulse of passion feels like pure Peace. Pure Peace that provides unconditional comfort without corruption, because conflict cannot possibly cross the Love of your Life. Every breath is beautiful as your spirit shouts the energy of affectionate addiction. …Your Love is alive.
Passion has no expectations. Its desires are fulfilled with or without awards or accomplishment, and simply strives for the Soul to see them survive. Passion must be given creative freedom if it wants to truly experience itself; and the distractions expectations inflict can restrict the liberty that is needed to transform dreams into Life.
Passion is purpose; and without passion, Life has no purpose. Thanks to Love, your passions are made obvious to you in every moment. All you must do to find your guiding light is hear the sincere shouts of the Soul that serve to remind you of who you are. Every moment reveals reasons to pursue the progress of passion, so never push away its promises.
Your passion can fashion a Life of Love; so embrace your motivations, both modest and magnificent. Present every moment with your purpose and prepare to be amazed by the presents you persuade Life to shower upon you.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Passion's Purpose
Posted by Corey Norman at 3:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Brad Williamson, Passion, Small Business Branding
How to Live Your Dream
I came across this great post on a blog and I wanted to share it with all of you. The author is Sean M Kelly and the link to the post is here
Is living your dream only for a select few or can we all realise our dreams? Here’s six tips to help you live yours.
1. Create a Great Purpose - The greater the reason you have to live your dream the greater your motivation. Think of those who have achieved greatly in their lives. Their purpose wasn’t limited by a personal agenda but by a purpose which was far greater than themselves. A few years ago I had the honour to musically lead Sir Bob Geldof into a conference. During his keynote speech he spoke about how “Live Aid” began. He said, “…our goal was to raise $75,000 to help feed people in Africa. Now millions and millions of dollars later we’re still doing it.” Create a great purpose for your dream - world abundance, world peace, feed the world, make poverty history or whatever resonates deep within you, almost as if you were born for this purpose to be realised.
2. Explore Your Dreams - What are your talents and gifts? What are you deeply passionate about? What do you love? Everyone has talents and gifts. Everyone has unique contributions to make to our world. However if we just follow everyone elses lead hoping to be liked and approved of, we may miss our calling. Ask yourself - what do you truly love doing? Do you lose track of time when you’re doing this? Would you do it even if you never got paid?
3. Create a Vision - Get a blank sheet of paper and markers. Now imagine anything is possible. Then draw a vision for your ultimate dream, one that feels absolutely fantastic! It’s the feelings that will energise your vision into reality, so let them soar! Put the vision somewhere you will see it daily and reconnect with those feelings as if your dream is already true.
4. Take guided action - There is an intelligence within the universe that keeps the planets in their orbits, ensures the sun rises daily and can also manifest your dreams. What do you need to do? Let go of the need to figure “how” your dream will happen, trust the infinite intelligence of the universe and watch for opportunites that arise. These opportunities may come to you, or your intuition may urge you to take guided action. Whichever way they arise, gently seize these opportunies!
5. Give Thanks - A thirteenth century philosopher, Meister Eckhart once said - if the only prayer we ever said in our lives was “thankyou” it would be enough. Never cease to feel gratitude for the manifestion of your dreams. Your feelings of gratitude is the energy which fuels the magical manifestation of your dreams. No matter how slow or fast the progress, celebrate every step of the way!
6. Your Greatest Gift - Finally and most importantly remember even if your dream doesn’t come true, be forever grateful for the greatest gift of all - the gift of your precious and unique life. And know that this world is a better place because … You have dared to live your dream!
Posted by Corey Norman at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dream, Sean M. Kelly, Small Business Branding