Thursday, July 10, 2008


This is a great resource for those of you who want to learn more about how to end genocide and crimes against humanity. It is called Enough Project and this is what it it has to say:

"ENOUGH was born out of frustration and hope.
We ran out of patience with the world's shameful lack of progress in combating terrible horrors. We knew there were many examples of successful conflict resolution processes throughout Africa, but the lessons weren’t widely known. We found confidence in the growing number of Americans who are demanding more aggressive, more successful solutions. And we have faith that we can end genocide and crimes against humanity once and for all.

We know that people care, but many assume that the crises in Africa and elsewhere are intractable. This inaccurate perception of futility sustains the killing of thousands and destroys the hopes of a safe and secure future for millions more. With every passing minute, the slaughter continues.

ENOUGH is a project of the Center for American Progress which aims to answer questions about what is really happening and offer a clear path to sustainable solutions. We were co-founded by CAP and the International Crisis Group in early 2007, setting out to establish a new paradigm for action.

We use in-depth knowledge to create clear, viable policy recommendations, and engage activists to apply pressure on the perpetrators and well-meaning governments whose own inertia prevents them from taking the steps necessary to stop genocide and crimes against humanity.

We shine a spotlight on policies that work. We aim to change the international conversation by demonstrating that progress is possible, and that rhetoric is meaningless without resolute, committed action. We are focusing currently on the situations in Congo, northern Uganda, Darfur, southern Sudan and the spillover violence in Chad.

We aim for real change to close the book on these horrible recurring chapters of human history.

Check it out. With the Olympics approaching there is going to be a lot of talk about human rights and if you want to be informed before the conversation starts this website is a great place to start and learn what is going on.

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