Friday, May 9, 2008

100 People: A World Portrait

A friend sent me a link to this website today and I thought I would share it. It is called 100 People: A World Portrait and here is a blurb from the website that explains what it is all about:

"The 100 People Foundation exists to provide a structure and an organization for the project 100 People: A World Portrait. We believe that visual arts-based educational and multimedia programs are the most powerful channels through which we can build awareness, facilitate communication about diversity and activate change within our global community.

The project will find and capture in film, photography, music and text 100 individuals who represent the global population, proportionate to annual global surveys and statistics. This World Portrait will be used to make an introduction between the peoples of the earth and to facilitate a greater understanding of the diversity and the commonalities among us."

The project will publish a book, movie, photography exhibit, a school curriculum and the website. The project is already underway and you can check out some of the videos online at the website at 100 People. If you have a minute to check it out I urge you to do so. I think it is an important realization to understand the makeup of the world and the place you inhabit within it.

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