Sunday, April 13, 2008

Global Day For Darfur

Today, April 13, is Global Day for Darfur. All around the world events will be held to bring to focus what is happening in Darfur. To learn more about the day and to see if there is an event in your area visit

Here in Toronto at Nathan Philips Square, there will be a gathering with a few bands and a couple of notable speakers. Check it out here at Day 4 Darfur. It should be an enlightening experience.

If you don't have the chance to attend I still urge you to show your support by logging onto and signing the petition. Every little bit helps. After attending the Rwandan Genocide Memorial on Friday it saddens me to think that 10 years from now I will also be attending one for Darfur. We said "Never Again" and I think it is about time we stand by our words.

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