Sunday, March 30, 2008

The First Thing I Ever Wrote (not including school work)

I wrote this short little inspirational page about 3 years ago. It was the first thing I had felt comfortable writing and putting my name on. It was exhilarating at the time because all I had ever tried to write was school papers. The energy you can feel when you put your thoughts on paper is limitless. It is probably where the seed was planted for me to start this, and try to get as much of these short inspirations out of my head and out into the world. So here is the seed, hope you enjoy it:

The Only Thing We Can Know For Sure: The Time is Here and Now
Go where the wind takes you. Day by day. Don’t think about where the wind will take you tomorrow. Just let it happen. The second you get caught up in what might happen, you forget about what is happening. Whether you believe in fate, destiny, or coincidence, everyone believes things will happen. Let it. Live it. Love it. Each second of everyday brings with it an eternity. These eternities can never be relived. Enjoy every one of them.
The problem with looking to the future is you become anxious, and grow unhappy with what is. The future never comes quite as we expect it or want it to, and the only result is disappointment. To quote the book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, “Your sorrow, your fear and anger, regret and guilt, your envy and plans and cravings live only in the past or in the future. Santiago, the main character in The Alchemist, is an example of just living. He flows with the wind and lets life happen. His reward is beyond everything he wanted or needed, but the journey was his treasure. He realized happiness and his dreams. He let it. He lived it. He absorbed it all.
Dan Millman wrote, “You don’t just gaze up at the top of the mountain, you look directly in front of you and take one step at a time”. That’s how life is meant to be lived; one step at a time, wherever the wind takes you.

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