Monday, January 7, 2008

Holidays are Over

It was my first day back to college today. I was completely ready to get back and get moving on the new semester, as well as all the fun things I have planned. Seeing everyone again was a really enjoyable, but a little overwhelming. So much coming all at once: where everyone was, what they did, who they saw - I try to listen but eventually it just gets to be too much for me. Life does that sometimes. It can be completely overwhelming. My example while not nearly as bad as how some people have it was actually quite hard for me. The important thing - and what I did - was to step away and regroup. Our mind, body and spirit can only take so much before it starts to break down. This is the point where we cease to feel balanced and it is important to listen to what our mind and body is saying to us, instead of forcing it. Think of a time when you have felt overwhelmed, what did you do? I would love to hear your answers.

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