Friday, January 4, 2008

Always Looking for Inspiration

I look for inspiration all the time. Things that make me think, things that make me feel, things that give me hope. My sisters friends had a baby not to long ago and since I just love kids they let me hold onto her for a few minutes. They took a picture and I thought nothing of it at the time until they posted it on Facebook. It is funny how the simple picture of a child can inspire your thoughts. She is too cute!

The point is that inspiration can come from the oddest of places. Sometimes we get so focused that we don't take the time to really breath in and absorb everything around us. I happened to read a great blog post about the difference between choosing a path and choosing a goal. Jason, at A Miracle A Day, distinguishes the two by saying that when we focus too much on a goal we get trapped by it, whereas if we choose a path we can travel it at our own pace and in any way we so choose.

The metaphore of life as a path holds true. Things happen all around us, all the time, and the more we take notice and heed our true calling the more we can enjoy all that comes our way. If you, like myself, want to change the world, start with yourself. Find the inspiration all around you, in the eyes of a baby, or the writing of a two-bit blogger like myself.

Walk the path of your choosing, and take it all in, every second, because unfortunately at some point that path will end and life will be the sum of all the steps you took to get there. If you don't enjoy each step then what is the point of taking any?

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